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Rapid development of a real-time speech coder on a TMS320C54X DSP

Langi A.Z.R.a

a DSP Research and Technology Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


This paper describes a rapid implementation of realtime voice compression (codec) on DSP processor for voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) gateways and applications. Voice codec algorithms such as G. 723.1 are complex, hence they take many manhours to implement in real-time. By identifying control flow and data flow, and applying iterative refinement of a C reference source code, we are able to obtain real-time implementation on a 100 MIPS TMS320C5402 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Starter Kit (DSK) in three man-months only. At current implementation, the encoder and decoder use 70 MIPS and 6 MIPS, respectively. They occupy 26 Kword program memory and 17 Kword data memory.

Author keywords

Real time voice compressions,Voice over internet protocols (VoIP)

Indexed keywords

DSP Processor,Real Time DSP Implementation,Voice Codec,VoIP

Funding details