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Overview of telemedicine activities in indonesia: Progress and constraints

Suksmono A.B.a,e, Sastrokusumo U.a, Mengko T.L.R.a,d, Pramudito J.T., Oktowaty S.c

a Dept. of Electrical Eng., Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
b Grad. School of Biomedical Eng., ITB, Parahyangan Catholic Univ., Indonesia
c MediFa
d Grad. School of Biomedical Eng., ITB
e UNJANI University, Indonesia


This paper presents an overview of the telemedicine activities in Indonesia. Historical development, especially in ITB Bandung, is briefly discussed. Present and future trends of telemedicine, focusing on current trends in wireless communication technology for rural areas, and the constraints are described. © 2004 IEEE.

Author keywords

Block diagrams,PARTNERS,Rural communications,Telemedicine systems

Indexed keywords

PARTNERS,Rural Communications,Telemedicine

Funding details