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Snake in phase domain: A method for boundary detection of objects in phase images

Suksmono A.B.a, Handayani A.a, Hirose A.b

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
b Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan


This paper presents a snake algorithm for boundary detection of objects in phase images. Since phase image is a modulo-2π field, the proper gradient vector field (GVF) for snake dynamics should be taken from an unwrapped phase. This paper proposes a procedure to avoid such unwrapping by applying modulo-2π gradient estimation. Performance assessment is conducted by comparing a boundary detection result of non-modulo-2π GVF snake estimate with a modulo-2π regularized GVF snake. It is shown that the proposed method converges to the expected boundary, while the non-regularized procedure does not. © 2006 IEEE.

Author keywords

Boundary detection,Gradient vector field (GVF),Phase images,Phase unwrapping,Snake dynamics

Indexed keywords

Energy minimization algorithm,Gradient vector flow,InSAR,Modulo-2π regularization,MRI,Phase image,Phase unwrapping,Snake algorithm

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