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The performance of the modified MC-CDMA inner coding scheme on high mobility MIMO wireless systems

Astuti R.P.a, Suksmono A.B.a, Sugihartonoa, Kurniawan A.a

a IT Telkom, ITB, Indonesia


In the future, wireless broadband communication systems will not only be used for private access, but also public access with high data rate. The problems in transmitting high data rate at high speed mobility are how to provide wide bandwidth in rapidly changing channel condition, to mitigate selective fading problems, to estimate response of the channel, and to solve degradation of signal performance. We propose a comprehensive solution for those problems, i.e. modified MC-CDMA inner coding system model in MIMO wireless systems. We also consider that this system can accommodate multi user with multi services, various bandwidth usage, QoS or channel response for every user. The simulation result shows that the MIMO wireless system with the proposed inner coding in non coherent channel transmission scheme provides a good system performance. The proposed scheme can outperform other previously published inner coding schemes for high mobility, high Eb/N0 and multi user conditions. Copyright 2004 ACM.

Author keywords

Bandwidth usage,Channel conditions,Coding scheme,Coding system,High data rate,High mobility,Inner coding,MC-CDMA,MIMO-wireless,Modified MC-CDMA,Multi-services,Multi-user,Noncoherent channels,OR channels,Public Access,Selective fading,Signal performance,Simulation result,Wide bandwidth,Wireless broadband,Wireless systems

Indexed keywords

Inner coding,MIMO-wireless,Modified MC-CDMA

Funding details