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Pollution index of outdoor insulators in switchyard area at PT. PJP papua indonesia

Patras L.S.a, Sinisuka N.I.b, Suwarnob

a Doctoral Student School, Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ITB
b School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ITB, Indonesia


Environmental condition such as humidity temperature pressure and rainfall may influence the performance of the outside insulator. Water, mist, dust and other substances on the insulator surface will significantly decrease the resistance of the insulator surface. In polluted and humid conditions, the leakage current flowing on the insulator’s surface will be high and will cause flashover on it. Flashover is a failure on the outdoor insulators. The value of the contaminant sample determines the pollution index so that the level of the pollution in a specific area will be recognized. The contaminant level in this area influenced the outdoor insulators performance. The condition of this area which is the industrial environment and the weather are affecting the outside insulator performance. The evaluation of contaminant level is important to identify the level of pollution exposed to outdoor. The result from this experiment showed that the value of pollution indices was from highland Mill 74 higher than from Portside area. © 2009 IEEE.

Author keywords

Conductivity,Environmental conditions,Humid conditions,Indonesia,Industrial environments,Insulator surfaces,Outdoor insulators,Pollution index,Specific areas

Indexed keywords

Conductivity,Contaminant,Index pollution

Funding details