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Comparative study of phase unwrapping by energy minimization methods: First and third level pixels configuration

Adi K.a,b, Mengko T.L.R.a, Suksmono A.B.a, Gunawan H.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ITB, Indonesia
b Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, UNDIP, Indonesia


The reconstruction of absolute phase data from its wrapped phase is called Phase Unwrapping (PU). Usually, the absolute phase cannot be extracted from the fringe phase data directly. Ideally, without phase noise, singularity, and aliasing problems, the phase information can be unwrapped easily. However, the phase data are always contaminated by noise and discontinuities, making the PU process becomes more complicated and a suitable PU algorithm is required to address the problems properly. In this paper we are compared phase unwrapping energy minimization approach method at fist and third level pixels configuration.

Author keywords

Absolute phase,Aliasing problems,Comparative studies,Energy minimization,Energy minimization methods,Phase data,Phase information,Phase unwrapping,Third level

Indexed keywords

Energy minimization,Phase unwrapping

Funding details