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Analysis of economical service period for power transformers

Cahyono B.b, Suwarnob, Hariyanto N.b, Takahashi T.c, Okamoto T.c

a Asset Management/School of Electrical and Informatics, PT. PLN (PERSERO)/Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
b School of Electrical and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
c Electric Power Engineering Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan


Making good balance between power demand growth-and power equipment installation is one of important issues of electric power companies. Appropriate strategies of managing existing power equipment and reinforcement are necessary for obtaining the maximum quality of electricity supply with the optimum energy cost. Strategies for the existing equipment include maintenance and replacement planning. In this article, a method to evaluate average annual cost for maintaining a transformer is introduced based on real failure data of transformers. Using the method, an economical service period of transformers can be eventually estimated. Cost analysis includes transformer’s initial cost, maintenance cost, and cost in the event of failure. Analysis is performed using statistical data from PT. PLN Indonesia. © 2012 IEEE.

Author keywords

Annual cost,Cost analysis,economical service period,Electric power company,Electricity supply,Failure data,Indonesia,Initial costs,Maintenance cost,Optimum energy,Power demands,Power equipment,Statistical datas

Indexed keywords

average annual cost,economical service period

Funding details