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Single phase boost inverter using hybrid modelling approach

Rachmildha T.D.a, Haroen Y.a, Muqorobin A.b, Rijanto E.b

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institue of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
b Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesia Institute of Science, Indonesia


Boost inverters provide the ac voltage from lower dc voltage source without additional transistor switches compared to the conventional inverters. Some control shave already been proposed to control boost inverters, but most control methods are based on small signal analysis and nonlinear models which make computation complicated and require fine tuning. In this paper, the authors propose a control scheme based on the hybridmodel. The method does not require complicated mathematical formulas and allows easier tuning. The simulation results show that the boost inverter can achieve a good performance using this control approach. © 2012 IEEE.

Author keywords

Ac voltage,Boost inverters,Control approach,Control methods,Control schemes,Conventional inverters,DC voltage sources,Fine tuning,Hybrid modelling,Mathematical formulas,Non-linear model,Single phase,Small-signal analysis,Transistor switch

Indexed keywords

boost inverter,hybrid modelling

Funding details