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On the space of p-summable sequences

Idris M.a, Ekariani S.b, Gunawan H.b

a Department of Mathematics, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia
b Department of Mathematics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


On the space l p of p-summable sequences (of real numbers), one can derive a norm from the 2-norm as indicated by Gunawan [H. Gunawan, The space of p-summable sequences and its natural n-norms, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 64 (2001), 137-147]. The purpose of this note is to establish the equivalence between such a norm and the usual norm on l p. We show that our result is useful in understanding the topology of l p as a 2-normed space.

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Norm equivalence,P-summable sequence spaces

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