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A theoretical foundation for engineering smart environments through PSV systems

Langi A.Z.R.a

a Information Technology Research Group, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Designs of smart environments for smart living require descriptions of a relevant reality in which the smart environments take place. This paper attempts to describe theoretically a suitable virtual reality upon which a designer can engineer smart environments using information and communication technology (ICT). In this first part, the paper starts with a transportation metaphor, and proceeds to an engine metaphor. It then defines an environment as a platform for smart living. The paper describes the engineering theory of smart environments. It results in a PSV System abstraction. © 2013 IEEE.

Author keywords

Information and Communication Technologies,PSV-S,Smart environment,Smart livings,Theoretical foundations,Theoretical framework,Virtual worlds

Indexed keywords

design,engine,PSV-S,smart environment,theoretical framework,virtual world

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