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Using instructional design model to implement open lesson with lesson study approach for online teacher community

Nurpandi F.a, Langi A.Z.R.a, Bandung Y.a

a Digital Signal Processing Research and Technology Group, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Lesson study is a model of professional development of teacher from Japan is called Jugyou Kenkyu, means Jugyou is lesson or learning and Kenkyu is study or research or assessment. Lesson study consists of three phases that continuous cycle, there is plan, do, and see. On this research, lesson study is applied using instructional design. By using instructional design can help designer guard against making such mistakes and create good and clear objectives. ASSURE is a classroom-oriented and student centered. This model focuses on planning surrounding the actual classroom using media and technology. On this lesson study using ASSURE to choose the right media and technology to perform on learning activity or open lesson. ASSURE model is an instructional media that systematic model with continuing cycle for effective learning. © 2013 IEEE.

Author keywords

ASSURE,Instructional design model,Instructional designs,Instructional media,Lesson studies,Model of professionals,online open lesson,Systematic modeling

Indexed keywords

ASSURE,instructional design,lesson study,online open lesson

Funding details