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Time domain characterization of 1-2 GHz circular end bowtie antenna with coaxial balun using normalized impulse response

Suryana J.a, Suksmono A.B.a, Sugihartono S.a, Kurniawan A.a, Tanaka K.b, Igarashi K.b, Iida M.c

a STEI ITB, Indonesia
b NICT, Japan
c ARIB, Japan


Frequency domain analysis is a powerful and compact tool for characterizing the antenna parameters such as gain, radiation pattern and the impedance as a function of frequency. However, if time or space as a major concern, such as in the GPR application, the time domain analysis would be a very important tool due to their unique capability for determining the echo delay and range profile of target image. In this paper, we will describe the classical theory of system characterization in time domain, and then also propose the mathematical model for characterizing the 1-2 GHz circular-ended Bowtie antenna. From the measurement results, we concluded that the implemented Bowtie antenna with coaxial balun has good normalized impulse response with very small ringing, so it is suitable for GPR applications.

Author keywords

Antenna parameters,Bow-tie antennas,Classical theory,Function of frequency,GPR applications,Range profiles,System characterization,Time domain characterizations

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