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Design, implementation and calibration of low cost 1-2 GHz stepped frequency GPR for metal object detection under the ground

Suryana J.a, Suksmono A.B.a, Kurniawan A.a, Sugihartono S.a, Tanaka K.b, Igarashi K.b, Iida M.c

a STEI ITB, Indonesia
b NICT, Japan
c ARIB, Japan


Stepped Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (SFGPR) is a promising alternative technique for realizing the GPR tranceiver which has more features than Pulse GPR technique. Moreover, with the decreasing of RF component costs in the market, the realization of GPR equipment would be cheaper than ten years ago. In this paper, we will describe the design and realization steps of 1-2 GHz SFGPR transceiver for metal detection under the ground. Before using prototyped GPR for detecting the metal under the ground, several calibration processes must be performed, namely phase calibration and monocycle pulse waveform calibration. After completing the calibrations, this prototyped GPR would be ready for detecting the hidden object such as a metal plate 5 cm under the ground in our small test range size 25 cm × 75 cm × 10 cm. From the calibration and detection results, we concluded that the prototyped SFGPR passed the technical specifications of the design and could perform the metal detection under the ground with high SNR.

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Calibration process,Metal detection,Monocycle pulse,Object Detection,Phase calibration,Stepped frequency,Stepped frequency ground penetrating radars,Technical specifications

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