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An application of SignalSheets for learning DSP filter design

Langi A.Z.R.a

a Information Technology Research Division, STEI ITB, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2014 IEEE.This paper describes a spreadsheet platform for learning signal processing called SignalSheets. SignalSheets consists of sections, each represents a signal transformation from input to output. We use SignalSheets to explain a design process of a finite impulse response (FIR) low pass filter. It starts with a design assignment describing LPF specifications. We assume a FIR linear constant coefficient diference equation (LCCDE) filters as implementation form. We then use windows technique to obtain the LCCDE coefficients. Coefficients are a result of multiplying ideal coefficients with a window function. The paper shows how ordinary spreadsheets such as Gnumeric can simulate standard as well as advanced signal processing concepts.

Author keywords

Advanced signal processing,Finite-impulse response,learning and modelling platform,Linear constants,Platform for learning,Signal transformation,SignalSheets,Window functions

Indexed keywords

learning and modelling platform,signal processing,SignalSheets,spreadsheets

Funding details