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Signal processing of range detection for SFCW radars using Matlab and GNU radio

Azizaha, Suksmono A.B.a, Munir A.a

a Radio Telecommunication and Microwave Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2014 IEEE.Development of radar technology is now rapidly. One of them is Step Frequency Continuous Wave Radar (SFCW Radar). SFCW radar can be used for various purposes. SFCW radar consists of antenna, control unit, signal processing unit. The radar advantages compared to the other radar are this radar is easier to implement and more widely within the range of radar. In this research that will be done is design SFCW radar. There are several stages to be performed in this research. At first, the simulation will be done using Matlab®. This simulation will determine the parameters needed to obtain an appropriate resolution. The second, simulations is performed by using GNU radio. This simulation will be adjusted to the parameters that have been previously designed by Matlab®. Both of the results will be analyzed. Input signal is complex. Simulation results for 5kHz-1.285MHz will display in graph. Graph will show location of the object in 5 m, 1km, and 1.1km depend on initial design.

Author keywords

Continuous Wave,GNU radio,Initial design,Object positions,Radar technology,Range detection,Signal processing unit,Step frequency

Indexed keywords

GNU radio,object position,radar signalprocessing,Step frequency continuous wave (SFCW)

Funding details