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Knowledge management system development with evaluation method in lesson study activity

Mardhia M.M.a, Langi A.Z.R.a, Bandung Y.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


© 2014 IEEE.This research examines how to develop a Knowledge Management System (KMS) which implements the question-based method in lesson study. Lesson study activity which has been running were not documented well, whereas its benefits are very good to encourage teachers’ quality in learning activities. Question-based method applied is evaluation / assessment process that aims to engage teachers to contribute knowledge in lessons. This method also being used to evaluate teachers’ learning after every period of lesson study activity ended. It gives questions from a knowledge base in the stages of the assessment process. Teachers’ role is giving answer to each question and contributing an original work in the form of teaching materials, questions, and also giving feedback for each material presented in the system. Experiments are conducted through User Experience (User Feedback) and Expert Judgment. Results obtained from this research is a proposed architecture for knowledge management system and its recommendations for improvement.

Author keywords

Assessment process,Expert judgment,Is evaluations,Knowledge management system,Learning Activity,Proposed architectures,Teaching materials,User experience

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