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Implementation of seller-buyer closeness degree-based reputation system for e-commerce

Dharmaadi I.P.A.a, Suhardia, Hidayat F.a, Supangkat S.H.a

a School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, West-Java, 40132, Indonesia


© 2014 IEEE.Past 5 years, the number of internet users were increased rapidly so that e-commerce market was grew fast too. Nonetheless, e-commerce application has a crucial problem, that is the lack of information about sellers behavior. Buyers often feel hesitate to make transaction at e-commerce site because they are afraid of being cheated by the seller. Our previous paper has proposed a new reputation system based on seller-buyer closeness degree for e-commerce. Now, in this paper, we develop implementation algorithm of our previous reputation system and discuss about its usage. This algorithm is helpful for e-commerce developers that want to easily implement our reputation system in their C2C e-commerce. Consequently, the proposed reputation system can be understood and implemented easily and quickly in real e-commerce industry.

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buyer,closeness,E-Commerce applications,E-commerce sites,Implementation algorithms,reputation,Reputation systems,seller

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