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Design and implementation of turn-based strategy (TBS) game as part of service-based alternate reality game (ARG)

Afand A.S.T.a, Hindersah H.a, Wuryandari A.I.a

a School of Electrical Engineering, Informatics Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2014 IEEE.One forms of technology-based content in museum development is gamification, which can be aimed to give more experience to visitors in museum. Beside can give more experiences to visitors in museum, gamification can be used in education purposes. This research is aimed to develop a Turn-Based Strategy (TBS) ¬genre-type game which named Battle of Popo which is a part of service-based Alternate Reality Game (ARG) named Popo Service (Prehistoric Project). The making of the game is divided into two main parts, design and implementation. The design phase is composed two main parts, the development of game concept and game design. Battle of Popo is an online desktop game that is aimed to improve motivation of people to visit museum by implementation of its game outside the museum (online). Battle of Popo is developed by MDA framework (Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics). This game is aimed to bring fantasy, challenge and fellowship to user. This game has 10 prehistoric monsters as its characters (Po-Animal) which can be use in battle as asynchronous mode. This game is composed by two main parts, there are Po-View to give users see their Po-Animal’s collection and Po-Battle that used to challenge and battle other Po-Animal from other users. The evaluation method of the game uses Usability Testing which takes five evaluation keys, task success, task on time, errors, learnability and satisfaction. The results of the test showed that the design of Battle of Popo is effective and efficient to use. Furthermore, Battle of Popo and can give functionally satisfaction for user.

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