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A batch scheduling model for m heterogeneous batch processor

Hidayat N.P.A.a, Cakravastia A.a, Samadhi T.M.A.A.a, Halim A.H.a

a Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2015 Taylor & Francis.This research addresses a batch scheduling problem for single item parts with multi due date on m heterogeneous batch processors. The objective is to minimise total actual flowtime of parts through the shop. The total actual flowtime of parts in a batch is the multiplication of the interval between batch arrival time and the due date by the number of parts in the batch. Using the actual flowtime as the objective means it is oriented to satisfy the due date as a commitment to customers, and simultaneously to minimise the length of time of the parts spending in the shop. An algorithm to solve this problem is proposed.

Author keywords

Batch arrivals,Batch processors,Batch-scheduling,Due dates,Flow-time,Heterogeneous batch processors

Indexed keywords

actual flowtime,batch processor,batch scheduling

Funding details