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Design and implementation of DCBOTA in Delta-Sigma ADC for communication system

Timothy V.a, Candra A.a, Mufadli K.a, Mas’Ud A.F.a, Salman A.H.a

a Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2015 IEEE.In this paper, we present the design and implementation of high-resolution and low-power Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) which can be utilized in Delta-Sigma ADC for GSM communication system. The designed OTA is called Dynamic Comparator-Based Operational Transconductance Amplifier (DCBOTA). The DCBOTA is implemented in layout and is tested with SPICE-based computer simulation. The test shows that the designed DCBOTA is functional and has good performance. Furthermore, the overall Delta-Sigma ADC is also implemented in layout, but the design process is not shown in this paper. The test shows that the Delta-Sigma ADC based on DCBOTA requires lower power than other Delta-Sigma ADCs for GSM communication system.

Author keywords

DCBOTA,Delta sigma,Delta-sigma ADC,Design and implementations,Design process,Dynamic comparators,High resolution,Spice-based

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