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Virtual prototyping of DSP systems using a PSV-S approach

Langi A.Z.R.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, West Java, 40132, Indonesia


© 2015 IEEE.Virtual prototyping is natural in developing DSP systems using a product-service-value system (PSV-S) approach. Our DSP virtual prototyping approach consists of four development phases: (1) a generic DSP system, (2) a functional DSP system, (3) an architectural DSP system, and (4) a real-time DSP system. Such an approach results in a more comprehensive approach in DSP system development. The paper shows an example of prototyping a voice codec on single chip DSP processor.

Author keywords

Development phasis,DSP processor,DSP system,Product service,PSV-S,Real-time DSP,Single chips,Voice codecs

Indexed keywords

design,DSP,PSV-S,speech,virtual prototyping

Funding details