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A study on the impacts of DC Fast Charging Stations on power distribution system

Febriwijaya Y.H.a, Purwadi A.a, Rizqiawan A.a, Heryana N.a

a School of Elecrical Engineering and Informatics, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2014 IEEE.This paper describes an investigation of the impacts of DC Fast Charging Station on IEEE 34-node test feeder. This simulation includes fundamental characteristics of electric vehicles, such as battery capacity, and energy consumption in everyday trip. As those parameters depend on user behavior, a model for user behavior is also modeled in this investigation. Then, penetration level of car that uses charging stations are assumed for several levels and simulated for three modes to see the impacts on network load. These 3 modes are uncoordinated, coordinated, and coordinated with V2G mode (Vehicle-to-grid power flow). The result shows that coordinated modes are needed to decrease the impacts of DC Charging Stations on peak load, and there is increase on voltage drop on the network, up to 5% on uncoordinated mode.

Author keywords

Coordinated charging,DC fast charging,Fundamental characteristics,Penetration level,Power distribution system,Test feeders,V2G,Vehicle-to-grid power

Indexed keywords

coordinated charging,DC fast charging,electric vehicle impacts,IEEE 34-Node test feeder,V2G

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