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Study on the risk and impacts of land subsidence in Jakarta

Abidin H.Z.a, Andreas H.a, Gumilar I.a, Brinkman J.J.b

a Geodesy Research Group, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
b Deltares, Delft, Netherlands


© Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia located in the west-northern coast of Java island, within a deltaic plain and passes by 13 natural and artificial rivers. This megapolitan has a population of about 10.2 million people inhabiting an area of about 660 km2, with relatively rapid urban development. It has been reported for many years that several places in Jakarta are subsiding at different rates. The main causative factors of land subsidence in Jakarta are most probably excessive groundwater extraction, load of constructions (i.e., settlement of high compressibility soil), and natural consolidation of alluvial soil. Land subsidence in Jakarta has been studied using leveling surveys, GPS surveys, InSAR and Geometric-Historic techniques. The results obtained from leveling surveys, GPS surveys and InSAR technique over the period between 1974 and 2010 show that land subsidence in Jakarta has spatial and temporal variations with typical rates of about 3-10 cmyear-1. Rapid urban development, relatively young alluvium soil, and relatively weak mitigation and adapatation initiatives, are risk increasing factors of land subsidence in Jakarta. The subsidence impacts can be seen already in the field in forms of cracking and damage of housing, buildings and infrastructure; wider expansion of (riverine and coastal) flooding areas, malfunction of drainage system, changes in river canal and drain flow systems and increased inland sea water intrusion. These impacts can be categorized into infrastructural, environmental, economic and social impacts. The risk and impacts of land subsidence in Jakarta and their related aspects are discussed in this paper.

Author keywords

Deltaic plain,Drainage systems,Groundwater extraction,Land subsidence,Leveling survey,Rapid urban development,Social impact,Spatial and temporal variation

Indexed keywords

Funding details

Acknowledgements. Land subsidence study in Jakarta using space geodetic techniques has been conducted by the Geodesy Research group of ITB since 1997, by using several research grants from Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia, from the Provincial Government of Jakarta, and from ITB Research programs. The GPS surveys were conducted by the Geodesy Research Group of ITB, the Geospatial Agency of Indonesia, and the staffs and students from the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering of ITB.