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Validated ERP modules requirement for micro, small and medium enterprise fashion industry

Siswanto J.a, Maulida A.a

a Industrial Management Research Group, Bandung Institute Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624529070653{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 30px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner layout=”boxed”][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″ css=”.vc_custom_1624695412187{border-right-width: 1px !important;border-right-color: #dddddd !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-radius: 1px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Abstract” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]© 2016 IEEE.Implementing ERP may become one of the strategies to enhance both management competence and competitiveness of small-medium enterprises (SMEs) in fashion industry. For an ERP implementation to be effective in and financially efficient, required ERP modules should be identified in accordance with business processes that are carried out and validated according to the real needs of fashion SMEs. The validation processes are crucial to perform so as to avoid building an information system unsuitable with the company needs and to save resources that otherwise would be spent to fix any faults discovered in further stages in the planning and implementation processes of an ERP. The purpose of the research was to validate the findings of an earlier research that had identified fashion SMEs’ need of ERP system. The validation was performed by using a multiple case studies method, carried out in six micro, small, and medium enterprises of fashion in Bandung by identifying what were the functional aspects of system that have been needed and implemented by the objects of the case study, both those involved in earlier researches and beyond the objects of earlier researches’ case studies. From this validation process, it was found that both product marketing and sales module and financial and accounting module were valued as valid for the three enterprise levels. For small and medium fashion enterprises, production and procurement module has also been concluded as valid. Meanwhile, the need of retail management module was determined as valid for the three levels of fashion enterprises, but it was determined as an add-on module because the needs do not depended on the company size but on the company’s choice of its retail selling methods.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Author keywords” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]Fashion,Implementation process,Module Requirement,MSME,Multiple-case study,Small and medium enterprise,Small medium enterprise,Validation[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Indexed keywords” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]ERP,Fashion,Module Requirement,MSME,Validation[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Funding details” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”DOI” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]https://doi.org/10.1109/ICITSI.2016.7858243[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Widget Plumx[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row]