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Preliminary result on gesture recognition of Sigeh Penguten Dance using Hidden Markov Model

Febrianti M.S.a, Hidayat E.a, Wuryandari A.I.a, Prihatmanto A.S.a, Machbub C.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2016 IEEE.In this paper, an implementation of gesture recognition using Hidden Markov Model to classify particular gestures on Sigeh Penguten traditional Dance is presented. The preliminary research is focused on recognition of dancers’ hand gestures, i.e. ‘Sembah Depan’, ‘Sembah Kiri’, and ‘Sembah Kanan’ gestures based on their collected hands marker positions. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to classify the three mentioned gestures even with only the hands’ positions to a certain degree. However, the reliability of the proposed approach requires further improvement.

Author keywords

Dance Recognition,Hand gesture,Microsoft kinect

Indexed keywords

Dance Recognition,Hidden Markov Model,Microsoft Kinect

Funding details