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Design and implementation of data logger using lossless data compression method for Internet of Things

Hadiatna F.a, Hindersah H.a, Yolanda D.a, Triawan M.A.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2016 IEEE.Internet of Things (IoT) has the ability to monitor and control various electronic devices. This technology need M2M device that serves as the middleware. The data logger can be developed into M2M devices on the IoT. These devices have limited external data storage memory, which can be useful as a data storage when a transmission failure due to limited network. In the monitoring process with a lot of sensors, data logger capable of transmitting and storing data in memory with limited data. The memory capacity of the data logger limited size can increase the size by using the method of data compression. Compression method used in this device is lossless. Lossless compression method used for data compression in the data logger. This method can restore the size of data that has been compressed to the size of the original. In this study, we obtained the compression ratio (CR) is 50% for the compression method used in the data logger. Time sampling that can be set in data logger is more than ± 1518ms.

Author keywords

Data logger,Design and implementations,Internet of Things (IOT),Lossless,Lossless compression,Lossless data compression method,Monitor and control,Transmission failures

Indexed keywords

Compression,Data Logger,IoT,Lossless,M2M

Funding details