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A ground penetrating radar antenna with improved shield

Lestari A.A.a, Kirana Y.A.c, Suksmono A.B.b, Bharata E.b, Yarovoy A.G.a, Ligthart L.P.a

a International Research Center for Telecom and Radar (IRCTR), Delft University of Technology, Delft, 2628, Netherlands
b Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Microwave and Radio Telecommunication Laboratory, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2005 IEEE.In this paper, development of an improved antenna for short-range ground penetrating radar (GPR) applications s discussed. the antenna improvement is obtained in the form of increased radiation efficiency and reduced dimension. In addition, an improved metallic shield has been designed not only for protection against EMI and antenna coupling, but also for strengthening radiation into the ground.

Author keywords

Antenna coupling,Ground penetrating radar (GPR),Ground penetrating radar antennas,Metallic shield,Radiation efficiency

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