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Simulation of mechanical stress on stainless steel for Pb-Bi corrosion test by using ABAQUS

Irwanto D.a, Mustari A.P.A.a, Budiman B.A.a

a Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Pb-Bi eutectic with its advantageous is proposed to be utilized as a coolant in the GEN IV type of rSeactor. However, high temperature corrosion when contact with stainless steels is one of the issues of Pb-Bi eutectic utilization. It is known that in the environment of high temperature Pb-Bi, mechanical strength of stainless steel may decrease. Thus, simulation of mechanical stress working on stainless steel during in-situ bending test by using ABAQUS was conducted. Several bending degrees were simulated at high temperature to obtain the mechanical stress information. Temperature condition was strongly affect the stress vs. displacement profile. The reported mechanical strength reduction percentage was used to draw predicted mechanical stress under high temperature Pb-Bi environment.

Author keywords

Corrosion tests,Displacement profiles,High temperature,High temperature corrosions,In-situ bending tests,Mechanical stress,Temperature conditions

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