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Design and realization of multi-wide-band FMCW radar for educational purposes

Suksmono A.B.a, Danudirdjo D.a, Zulherman D.a, Hariyadi T.a, Prastio R.P.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, West-Java, 40132, Indonesia


© 2016 IEEE.We present a simple design and realization of a low-cost FMCW radar. The modular design, separated the system into baseband and RF system, makes the working frequency changeable and the bandwidth programmable. The baseband is built from low-cost microcontrollers, whereas the RF system consisting of basic components of an SFCW system. We present a realization of a S-Band UWB radar with a programmable PRF and bandwidth 1.0 GHz and shows experimental results of the implemented radar.

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Base bands,FMCW radar,Low costs,Modular designs,RF system,UWB radars,Wide-band,Working frequency

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