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The effect of safe ball size changes on boost converter using hybrid control

Putra A.M.N.a, Rachmildha T.D.a, Haroen Y.a, Sadono A.P.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2016 IEEE.Boost converter is one of power converters which are used to fulfill the need of electricity, such as in commuter line and renewable energy power plant This converter is a non-linear converter which is applied by controlling switching in order to get the intended output. Hence, it is difficult to be controlled with a common controller such as VCM and CCM which are linier controllers. Therefore, the converter must be turned into limer beforehand. Some researchers have proposed Hybrid control, a non-linear controller, to solve the problem. This controller works by keeping the state not to run outside of safe ball so that it is able to provide stable output when there is some disturbance on input and output However, this controller has some demerits; big ripples and high switching frequency. In this paper, hybrid control with minimum switching control had been simulated. We analyzed the changes of safe ball size to achieve the output with small ripple and error on low switching frequency. The size of the safe ball was changed by putting it closer to the reference point which means reducing the ball size as much as 25% from Bmax until it becomes zero. The result of the simulation with PSIM shows that 50% Bmax provides optimum output.

Author keywords

BOOST converter,High switching frequencies,Hybrid controls,Input and outputs,Low switching frequency,Non-linear controllers,Renewable energy power,safe ball

Indexed keywords

boost converter,hybrid control,safe ball,stability,switching frequency

Funding details