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Rotation and strain rate of sulawesi from geometrical velocity field

Sarsito D.A.a, Susilob, Simons W.J.F.c, Abidin H.Z.a, Sapiie B.a, Triyoso W.a, Andreas H.a

a Geodesy Research Division, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
b Geospatial Information Agency, Cibinong, Indonesia
c Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems (DEOS), Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands


One of methods that can be used to determine the tectonic deformation status is rate estimation from geometric rotation and strain using quantitative velocity data from GPS observations. Microplate Sulawesi region located in the zone of triple junction (Eurasia, Australia and Philippine Sea Plates) has very complex tectonic and seismic condition, which is why become very important to know its recent deformation status in order to study neotectonic and disaster mitigation. Deformation rate quantification is estimated in two parameters: rotation and geodetic strain rate of each GPS station Delaunay triangle in the study area. The analysis in this study is not done using the grids since there is no rheological information at location that can be used as the interpolation-extrapolation constraints. Our analysis reveals that Sulawesi is characterized by rapid rotation in several different domains and compression-strain pattern that varies depending on the type and boundary conditions of microplate. This information is useful for studying neo tectonic deformation status and earthquake disaster mitigation.

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Funding details

Deep appreciation and many thanks to BIG, DEOS-TU Delft, ENS-Paris and ITB for research collaboration. And deepest gratitute for Prof Christhope Vigny -ENS -Paris, Prof Boudewinj A.C. Ambrosius, Prof. M. Iwan Tachjudin Taib -ITB, Prof. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin – ITB, Dr Benjamin Sapiie – ITB and Dr. Rev. Triyoso – ITB that has provided knowledge to the author in the understanding of “state of the art” deformation study of physical phenomena using geometricallygeodetic technology and methods. This study was partially funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia No. 009/SP2H/LT/DPRM/IV/2017.