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The underground space use right registration with the approach of 3 dimensional cadastre concept

Leksono B.E.a, Ristiawan A.b, Sadikin H.a, Meyke L.a

a Graduate Program in Land Administration, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
b National Land Agency, Jakarta, 12110, Indonesia


© Capital Publishing Company 2017.Cadastre System (land registry) that prevail in Indonesia today still use land parcels of 2D (two dimensional) as the basic entity of right registration. The advances of developing technology in an effort to overcome land limitation especially in urban area has changed the orientation of development to vertical direction in the form of utilization of space above or below the land. This means the cadastre object has been developed into three-dimensional space that is not located on the land surface so the 3D cadastre approach is necessary in cadastre affair.

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3-dimensional,Cadastre systems,Land parcels,Land registries,Land surface,Three dimensional space,Underground space,Vertical direction

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