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Design of hybrid PV-generator-battery system for two kind of loads at Aha Village, Morotai Island, North Maluku

Hutapea S.F.a, Purwadi A.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2017 IEEE.Hybrid between PV and Generator with battery is one common technology that has been used in the world due to meet the system with the presence of renewable energy. These systems are typically used in isolated area or areas away from the grid. In this paper the hybrid PV-Generator with battery power plant will be designed for Aha Village in Morotai Island which is one island in Indonesia that located in remote area and underdeveloped. Some design proposed for the system based on different kind of load (communal and administrative) and the will be analyzed with HOMER Pro and PVSYST. The result can be used as reference/guidelines for Program Indonesia Terang and/or Program Listrik Pedesaan in order to electrify the remote and/or underdeveloped areas in Indonesia.

Author keywords

Battery power,Battery systems,Homer pros,Hybrid power systems,Off-grid system,PV generators,Remote areas,Renewable energies

Indexed keywords

Distributed Generation,hybrid power system,off grid system,Renewable energy

Funding details