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Effects of Turbulence Model and Numerical Time Steps on von Karman Flow Behavior and Drag Accuracy of Circular Cylinder

Amalia E.a, Moelyadi M.A.a, Ihsan M.a

a Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The flow of air passing around a circular cylinder on the Reynolds number of 250,000 is to show Von Karman Vortex Street Phenomenon. This phenomenon was captured well by using a right turbulence model. In this study, some turbulence models available in software ANSYS Fluent 16.0 was tested to simulate Von Karman vortex street phenomenon, namely k-epsilon, SST k-omega and Reynolds Stress, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). In addition, it was examined the effect of time step size on the accuracy of CFD simulation. The simulations are carried out by using two-dimensional and three-dimensional models and then compared with experimental data. For two-dimensional model, Von Karman Vortex Street phenomenon was captured successfully by using the SST k-omega turbulence model. As for the three-dimensional model, Von Karman Vortex Street phenomenon was captured by using Reynolds Stress Turbulence Model. The time step size value affects the smoothness quality of curves of drag coefficient over time, as well as affecting the running time of the simulation. The smaller time step size, the better inherent drag coefficient curves produced. Smaller time step size also gives faster computation time.

Author keywords

Computation time,Detached eddy simulations,K-Omega turbulence model,Reynolds stress turbulence model,Three-dimensional model,Two dimensional model,Von karman flows,Von Karman Vortex Street

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