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A Review of Radars to Detect Survivors Buried Under Earthquake Rubble

Sujatmiko W.a, Prastio R.P.a, Danudirdjo D.a, Suksmono A.B.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2017 IEEE.In recent years, researcher develops radar to detect survivors buried under earthquake rubble. They choose this technology for its ability of electromagnetic waves to penetrate the building material. Electromagnetic waves radiation from the radar will pass through the building debris to a buried human subject reflect the signal. The electromagnetic wave propagation is influenced by two constants that are relative dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity of the materials. Reflection signal from a buried human subject and surrounding environmental objects or clutter will be received by the radar again for further processing. This review discusses several types of radar used to detect survivors buried under the building rubble and the effect of that rubble on the electromagnetic waves of the radar. Review from several papers concluded that FMCW and SFCW radars are the two most appropriate to detect survivor under the rubble. While the most widely used frequencies is between 100 MHz – 3 GHz.

Author keywords

Electrical conductivity,Environmental objects,FMCW,Human subjects,Relative dielectric permittivity,SFCW,SFCW radars

Indexed keywords

clutter,electrical conductivity,electromagnetic wave,FMCW,radar,relative dielectric permittivity,SFCW

Funding details