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Dimensional and Parametric Study on Thermal Behaviour of Li-ion Batteries

Sambegoro P.L.a,b, Budiman B.A.a,b, Philander E.a,b, Aziz M.c

a Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
b National Center for Sustainable Tranportation Technology (NCSTT), Bandung, Indonesia
c AES Center, Institute of Innovative Research Tokyo Instiute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan


© 2018 IEEE.Safety is the primary concern in developing Electric Vehicles (EVs). Recent accidents on electric vehicles involving thermal runaway event have set drawbacks in EVs deployment around the world. Battery thermal management needs to be considered carefully during the design process. This work uses an integrated model of Li-ion batteries starting from the electrochemical process in the electrodes. The model is used to analyze the effect of both dimensions and materials on thermal behavior of Li-ion batteries. The results demonstrate that different designs are prone to suffer from the distinct risk of thermal runaway event. The results are expected to be a guideline to design batteries for EVs.

Author keywords

Battery,Battery thermal managements,Electric Vehicles (EVs),Electrochemical process,Integrated modeling,Thermal behaviors,Thermal behaviours,Thermal runaways

Indexed keywords

Battery,Electric Vehicles,Lithium,Thermal runaway

Funding details

ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are thankful for the generous funding from USAID-SHERA program through NCSTT.