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Experimental study on the behavior of glass/epoxy composite plate due to blast loading

Herianaa, Hadi B.K.a, Widagdo D.a, Kusni M.a

a Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The paper discusses the effect of blast loading on the behavior of glass/epoxy composite plate. Woven glass fiber material was used. The composite plate was manufactured using hand lay-up method. The specimens consisted of 12 and 14 plies of woven glass fiber. A TNT explosive material was used. The TNT was in cylindrical shape without metal casting. The weight of TNT was varied, which are 60, 80 and 100 grams. The stand-off distance was 300, 500 and 1000 mm. The glass/epoxy specimen was placed on a rigid test table with fixed boundary conditions. The deflection was recorded using sewing pins in Styrofoam. The deflection contour was recorded, and the maximum deflection was 21 mm. All specimens survived the blast loading, although some delamination was observed after the test using TTU scan.

Author keywords

Composite plates,Cylindrical shapes,Explosive materials,Fixed boundary conditions,Glass/epoxy composite,Maximum deflection,Stand-off distance (SoD),Woven glass fibers

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Funding details

The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Defense, Republic of Indonesia through Defense Research and Development Institute (Balitbang – KEMHAN) in cooperation with Institut Teknologi Bandung who provide the research grant. We also thank PT. PINDAD and PT. DAHANA for providing the test materials and facilities.