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Job Scheduling for Hybrid Assembly Differentiation Flow Shop to Minimize Total Actual Flow Time considering Multi-Due-Dates

Maulidya R.a, Suprayogia, Wangsaputra R.a, Halim A.H.a

a Industrial Engineering Faculty, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The hybrid assembly differentiation flow shop is a three-stage flow shop system with machining, assembly and differentiation stages. The machining stage produces k parts in independently unrelated dedicated machines. After k parts of a job completed, they are assembled at the assembly stage and assigned to dedicated machines for a final process. At the end, several types of finished products are resulted. The finished products should be delivered at their respective different due dates. The problem is to find a schedule considering multi due dates, and the criterion of minimizing total actual flow time. This paper proposes a model for job scheduling in a hybrid assembly differentiation flow shops and its algorithm for solving the problems. The initial solution is defined using SPT-based heuristic and it is optimized using variable neighbourhood descend method. The proposed model is tested using a set of hypothetic data. The solution shows that the algorithm can solve the problems effectively.

Author keywords

Algorithm for solving,Due dates,Finished products,Flow-shops,Flow-time,Hybrid assembly,Initial solution,Job scheduling

Indexed keywords

hybrid assembly differentiation flow shop,job scheduling,multi due dates,total actual flow time

Funding details

This research was fully funded by Doctoral Dissertation Research Funding from Directorate General Higher Education Indonesia (2018), Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education under contract No.011/KM/PNT/2018 with Universitas Trisakti.