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Uav remote sensing technology for biogeography and biodiversity mapping of padakembang village, west Java, Indonesia

Yayusman L.F.a, Ramadhan M.F.a, Suwardhi D.a, Wikantika K.a

a Center for Remote Sensing, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2018 Asian Association on Remote Sensing. All Rights Reserved.Padakembang Village is located at the foot of Mount Galunggung, an active stratovolcano in Tasikmalaya Regency, Indonesia. Supported by its temperature, water resource, and fertile soil, this village possesses high biodiversity of various vegetation and become a potential area of ecotourism. However, the village development and natural resource management have not been optimized because of the lack information about the biogeography and land cover condition. To support this program, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was used for high resolution mapping of the Padakembang Village. Aerial photos were taken using a fixed-wing UAV covering 500.1 Ha area. Because of the large area coverage and hilly topography, data acquisition was performed in four blocks area divided based on the similar elevation to maintain spatial resolution. Geo-referencing process was performed using sixteen Ground Control Points (GCPs) measured in rapid-static method with radial baseline. Methodology and the obtained results are shown and discussed in this paper. The results presented as ortho-image and Digital Elevation Model of the village could be employed by the local government as the main reference for natural resource management, development, and monitoring of Padakembang Village.

Author keywords

biogeography,Digital elevation model,Ground control points,High-resolution mapping,Natural resource management,Spatial resolution,UAV remote sensing,Village development

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