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Mobile agent platform based wallet for preventing double spending in offline e-cash

Irwana, Langi A.Z.R.a, Husni E.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2018 The Science and Information (SAI) Organization Limited.Electronic cash (or e-cash) research has been going on for more than three decades since it was first proposed. Various schemes and methods are proposed to improve privacy and security in e-cash, but there is one security issue that less discussed mainly in offline e-cash, namely, double-spending. Generally, the mechanism to deal with double-spending in offline e-cash is performing double-spending identification when depositing the coin. Even though the mechanism is successful in identifying double-spender, but it cannot prevent double-spending. This paper proposes the Mobile Agent Platform based Wallet (MAPW) to overcome the double-spending issue in offline e-cash. MAPW uses the autonomy and cooperation of agents to give protection against malicious agent, counterfeit coin and duplicate coin. This model has been verified using Colored Petri Nets (CPN) and has proven to be successful in preventing double-spending, and overcoming malicious agent, and counterfeit coins.

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