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Using graph pattern association rules on yago knowledge base

Wahyudia, Khodra M.L.a, Prihatmanto A.S.a, Machbub C.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2019 Published by ITB Journal Publisher.The use of graph pattern association rules (GPARs) on the Yago knowledge base is proposed. Extending association rules for itemsets, GPARS can help to discover regularities between entities in a knowledge base. A rule-generated graph pattern (RGGP) algorithm was used for extracting rules from the Yago knowledge base and a GPAR algorithm for creating the association rules. Our research resulted in 1114 association rules, with the value of standard confidence at 50.18% better than partial completeness assumption (PCA) confidence at 49.82%. Besides that the computation time for standard confidence was also better than for PCA confidence.

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Association rule,Graph pattern,Knowledge base,PCA confidence,Standard confidence

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