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Preliminary Design of GL-1 Sailplane Cockpit Arrangement and Control Mechanism Based on EASA CS-22 Requirements

Mulyanto T.a, Zulkarnain M.F.a

a Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Sailplaning or gliding is one branch of aero sports activities in Indonesia under Federation of Aero Sport Indonesia (FASI). Until now, the most common sailplane used in Indonesia is still Schweitzer SGS 1-26, which is a single seated metal-fabric sailplane designed in 1955 and produced until 1979. The development of a new national glider to replace the Schweitzer SGS 1-26 had been conducted since 2013 and resulted in a design named GL-1. The EASA CS-22 had been chosen as certification basis for GL-1 as there is no equivalent yet in Indonesian CASR. A preliminary design of internal cockpit arrangement and control mechanism has been conducted. This study shows that the control mechanism using a combination of cable and push-pull rod arrangement satisfy the required control surface movement and limited sailplane interior space.

Author keywords

Certification,Control mechanism,Interior space,Metal fabric,Preliminary design,Sailplane,Sports activity,Surface movement

Indexed keywords

Certification,Cockpit,Control Mechanism,Preliminary Design,Sailplane

Funding details