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Development of Hybrid Simulation Model of Air Traffic Management in the Terminal Control Area

Medianto R.a, Pasaribu H.M.a, Muhammad H.a

a Aircraft Design, Operation, and Maintenance Research Group, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Insitute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The air traffic density at the Terminal Control Area can lead to several problems related to the safety and efficiency of flight operation if not adequately managed. These problems include the increased risk of crashes between aircraft, airborne and ground delays, waste of fuel and environmental problems caused by gas emission and noise. One of the analysis tools to solve these problems is the hybrid simulation model. The socio technic characteristics of the system can be observed more intact using a hybrid simulation model so that the results of the analysis more precise and comprehensive. This article describes the research framework and progress on the development of the hybrid simulation model of an ATM system in the Terminal Control Area. The final model will integrate of agent-based simulation, discrete event simulation, and system dynamics models. An agent-based simulation model that defines the movement of aircraft in the Terminal Control Area has been developed in this early research phase. The initial model can describe the rules for minimum separation between aircraft that are applied to ensure the safety of flight operations. The following aircraft will reduce its speed so that an adequate separation distance is obtained with the aircraft in front of it. The model then will be improved by integrating a discrete event simulation and system dynamics models on the initial model to obtain a complete hybrid simulation model.

Author keywords

Agent based simulation,Agent-based simulation models,Air traffic density,Air Traffic Management,Environmental problems,Safety and efficiencies,Separation distances,System dynamics model

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Funding details

This research was supported by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia within the Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (PTUPT) Research Program.