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Study on Conversion Losses of Several Converter Topologies Used in Grid Connected Photovoltaic System

Rachmildha T.D.a, Fadel M., Haroen Y.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
b University of Toulouse, LAPLACE, Toulouse, France


© 2019, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.For PV applications, many studies focus on maximum power extraction without evaluating losses in the conversion chain. In this research, a comparison between 3 grid-connected converters will be conducted. The 3 topologies boost-inverter, inverter-transformer and boost inverter structures will be studied especially in the point of view of losses. This comparison is intended to observe the performance of each structure in the function of the delivered power. Although each structure has its own feature in terms of galvanic isolation and geometric size, it is interesting to compare the losses and efficiency of each structure in order to select the appropriate application. The circuit model is simulated using PSIM software which already includes the thermal module to estimate the switching and conduction losses of power switches. The source of each topology is photovoltaic modules and the control of the circuits include the MPPT feature to absorb the optimum power from the PV modules.

Author keywords

Conversion loss,Converter topologies,Grid-connected,Grid-connected converters,Grid-connected photovoltaic system,Maximum power extractions,Photovoltaic modules,Photovoltaic systems

Indexed keywords

Conversion losses,Grid connected,Photovoltaic system,Power electronics,Solar energy,Topology of conversion

Funding details

The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for their support through the PHC NUSANTARA 2018 program. This support (Project no. 41190WM) made it possible to connect the Bandung ITB to the LAPLACE Laboratory to conduct research in the field of renewable energy.