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Image Processing Schemes for Improving Needle Visibility in USG Image Using Curve Transducer

Septyvergy A.a, Susanti H.a, Suprijantoa, Juliastuti E.a, Nadhira V.a

a Graduate Program Instrumentation and Control, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 IEEE.In ultrasound (US)-guided needle insertion, the needle should be detected precisely to avoid damage to the tissue. Due to the inconsistent needle visibility, it is difficult to determine the needle position. In this work, a post-processing scheme is developed to improve needle visibility. The proposed scheme starts with raw US image rotation to transform the needle area in the US image on normalization position. Next, selecting nxm (ROI) of the square area that covers needle in normalization US image. Using line scanning, the ROI viewed as m column of a set of pixel value in each column ROI {Xnm}. A linear derivative in each {Xnm} applied to estimate points that estimate needle position in the ROI. Outlier points are removed by a specific threshold value. The remaining points of with m of vector set {Xnm} that related with needle position is converted to a line curve by linear interpolation. The developed scheme has a success rate by 92% to visualize by overlay a line curve to needle area in US image if no high speckle noise in the US image.

Author keywords

estimate needle position,Image rotation,Linear Interpolation,Linescanning,Needle insertion,Post-processing scheme,Speckle noise,Threshold-value

Indexed keywords

consistency visibility needle,estimate needle position,linear derivative,Ultrasound-guided needle insertion

Funding details