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Design of energy storage system using solar & wind power plants for processing & acquisition data load at BBTA3-BPPT, PUSPIPTEK

Hermawan A.D.a, Purwadi A.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2019, Engineering and Technology Publishing. All rights reserved.BBTA3-BPPT is a Government Agency that is responsible for carrying out aerodynamic, aeroelastics and aeroacoustics technology activities in Indonesia. The facility that BBTA3 has is ILST (Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel), the devices used in the testing activities are Data Acquisition and Data Processing devices supplied by a state owned electric utility company (PT. PLN) and equipped with UPS. In their operational activities, a power source interruption is sometimes experienced due to the available UPS back up time is between 5 – 10 minute; this situation affects the retrieval, processing and data storage system. To overcome this problem, a 4-hours energy storage system can be designed using two sources of energy, namely solar and wind, where the electrical energy generated from both sources will be supplied directly to the UPS battery system. In addition, design estimates and investment costs will be discussed to implement the energy storage system using PV & Wind Energy network system at ILST – BBTA3, BPPT, Indonesia. It is expected that this study can provide benefits to BBTA3 as a consideration in developing the use of hybrid power system in improving the quality of service.

Author keywords

Indexed keywords

Energy storage system,Hybrid power system,ILST,On grid,Renewable energy

Funding details