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Removal of NOx from Diesel Engines Vehicle: Simulation and Experiment

Sidik M.A.B.a, Nawawi Z.a, Jambak M.I.a, Buntat Z., Saman N.M., Musa F.N., Budiman B.A.c

a Faculty of Engineering Universitas Sriwijaya, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sriwijaya Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, Indonesia
b Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Institute of High Voltage and High Current, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skudai Johor, 81310, Malaysia
c Institut Teknologi Bandung, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 IEEE.This paper presents the non-thermal plasma exhaust for removal of NOx from diesel engines vehicle. The most optimum geometric properties were used in the study for the most effective performance of the exhaust. The non-thermal plasma system was developed by using high intensity discharge (HID) ballast with 23 kV AC striking voltage. The experimental work was compared with the simulation in term of the percentage of NOx reduction. The result showed that the percentage reduction of NOx from simulation and experimental study was 68.06% and 74.37% respectively. In addition, an analysis on the recorded experimental data clearly showed that the non-thermal plasma chamber reached the maximum level of NOx removal after 24 minutes operation with the rate of increasing of 1.4321 per cent per minutes. In conclusion, the non-thermal plasma chamber provided effective treatment in terms of oxidation process to remove NOx from diesel or heavy vehicle engines.

Author keywords

Effective performance,Geometric properties,Heavy vehicle,High intensity discharges,Maximum levels,Nonthermal plasma,Nox reduction,Oxidation process

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Funding details

[{‘$’: ‘This work was supported by the Universitas Sriwijaya-Universiti Teknologi Malaysia research Collaboration Grant (Vot. No. 4B277).’}, {‘$’: ‘This work was supported by the Universitas SriwijayaUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia research Collaboration Grant (Vot. No. 4B277).’}]