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Mitochondrial Delivery of an Anticancer Drug Via Systemic Administration Using a Mitochondrial Delivery System That Inhibits the Growth of Drug-Resistant Cancer Engrafted on Mice

Yamada Y.a, Munechika R.a, Satrialdia,b, Kubota F.a, Sato Y.a, Sakurai Y.a, Harashima H.a

a Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
b School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624529070653{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 30px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner layout=”boxed”][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″ css=”.vc_custom_1624695412187{border-right-width: 1px !important;border-right-color: #dddddd !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-radius: 1px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Abstract” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]© 2020 American Pharmacists Association®Mitochondrial delivery of an anticancer drug targeting cancer cells would eventually result in cell death. To achieve this, a drug delivery system targeting mitochondria is needed. We recently developed a MITO-Porter, a liposome that delivers its cargo to mitochondria. We reported that such a MITO-Porter could deliver doxorubicin (DOX), an anticancer drug, to mitochondria in OS-RC-2 cells, a drug resistant cancer cell, resulting in inhibiting the cell growth, based in in vitro experiments. Herein, we report on validating the benefit of such a therapeutic strategy for treating drug resistant cancers by the in vivo targeting of mitochondria. We prepared a DOX-MITO-Porter, in which DOX was encapsulated in the MITO-Porter and optimized its retention in blood circulation. When the DOX-MITO-Porter was administered to mice bearing OS-RC-2 cells via tail vein injection, tumor size was significantly decreased, compared to DOX itself and to the DOX-encapsulated polyethylene glycol-modified liposome (DOX-PEG-LP). Intracellular observation confirmed that the DOX-MITO-Porter had accumulated in tumor mitochondria. It was also found a relationship between anti-tumor effect and the mitochondrial function, as indicated by the depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential. This study provides support for the utility of an in vivo mitochondrial delivery system in drug resistant cancer therapies.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Author keywords” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]Administration, Cutaneous,Animals,Antineoplastic Agents,Doxorubicin,Drug Delivery Systems,Liposomes,Mice,Mitochondria,Neoplasms[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Indexed keywords” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]Drug-resistant cancer,In vivo delivery,Liposomes,MITO-Porter,Mitochondria,Mitochondrial delivery[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”Funding details” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]This work was supported, in part, by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Grant No. 17H02094 to Y.Y.) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology , the Japanese Government (MEXT), a grant from the Special Education and Research Expenses of the MEXT, a grant from the Kobayashi Foundation for Cancer Research (to Y.Y.) and a grant from the Terumo Life Science Foundation (to H.H.). We wish to thank the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, and Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia for the scholarship support for ST. We also wish to thank Dr. Milton Feather for his helpful advice in writing the manuscript.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][megatron_heading title=”DOI” size=”size-sm” text_align=”text-left”][vc_column_text]https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xphs.2020.04.020[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Widget Plumx[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1624528584150{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 25px !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row]