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Health Geographic Information System as Monitoring Tool Using Regular Monthly Report in District Level Health Office: Study Case in Bandung District Level Health Office, Indonesia

Indrayanto A.a, Hermanto B.R.a

a Microelectronic Center, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 IEEE.In Indonesia, there is a Sub-district Level Health Center, named PUSKESMAS which stands for Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat. Sub-district Health Centers provide certain public health services to the community directly. Regarding health reporting, District Level Health Centers must report various types of forms to the District Head Office. One type of reporting is spreadsheet-based monthly reports, special templates have been provided by the District Head Office. The Subdistrict Health Center must fill in the data in a numerical value according to the template provided. Because data is only presented in numerical values, it is still difficult to monitor and analyze what health conditions are in the city. Visualization of data grouped based on the coverage area of the District Level Health Center is needed at the district level to monitor health conditions every month. The proposed system can read and extract data from a spreadsheet then transform it into a specific database management system. The web-based interface combined with map applications such as google maps, is used as a user display that can be accessed from any type of PC, laptops, tables, etc. The entire system and application are called web-based health geographic information systems. To monitor and analyze health conditions, users can use the features provided for example: the top ten diagnoses in all District Level Health Centers, etc.

Author keywords

Coverage area,Entire system,Health centers,Health condition,Monitoring tools,Numerical values,Public health services,Web-based interface

Indexed keywords

geographic information system,public health monitoring,spreadsheet,web-based

Funding details

I. INTRODUCTION Bandung is the capital of West Java, Indonesia. One part of the Bandung City Government who responsible for public health is the District Health Office. Lower level of District Health Level Office is Sub-district Level Health Center, in bahasa said PUSKESMAS (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) [1]. At present, there are 73 Sub-district Level Health Centers that are spread throughout the city as the front end of public health services. Sub-district Level Health Centers provide checks and consultations with general practitioners or several medical specialists, such as dentists, etc. To distribute certain types of drugs, the District Level Health Center is supported by pharmacy as well. As part of government services, all costs are standardized and subsidized by the government.