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Multiple item batch scheduling model on a batch processor to minimize total actual flowtime parts through the shop

Hidayat N.P.A.a, Oktaviani T.D.A.b, Halim A.H.c

a Industrial Engineering, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
b Industrial Engineering, Sahid University of Surakarta, Solo, Indonesia
c Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This research is to address a problem of scheduling batches consisting of multiple item parts processed on a batch processor where each item requires a certain processing time which may differ from others. A number of parts are defined as a batch and processed simultaneously with sharing a set up time. A batch can be formed of the parts with different type of item and the processing time of batch equals the longest processing time of parts in the batch. It is assumed that an excessive duration of processing the parts will not lead to any defect, but increase the operating cost. The completed part must simultaneously be delivered at common due date, d. The objective is to minimise total actual flowtime of parts through the shop. A solution procedure to solve the problem is proposed and numerical examples are shown.

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